Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Save Juniper In Scotland

Landowners and managers across Scotland are urged to take action to save juniper from going extinct.
The call comes as Forestry Commission Scotland and Plantlife Scotland promote action to reverse the decline of this UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species.

Although Scotland is home to around 80% of the UK’s surviving juniper stock, only a third of the sites in Scotland have strong and secure populations. Restoring juniper in woodlands and at woodland edges could make all the difference to juniper’s chances of survival in Scotland, and ultimately in the UK as a whole.

New grants are now available from the Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) to help landowners conserve and regenerate small populations of juniper and improve its long-term survival in sites across the country. 

Plantlife’s Conservation Manager Deborah Long said: “Juniper is badly affected by browsing and grazing animals, land clearance, land use change and uncontrolled muirburn – and old bushes aren’t producing much viable seed. It’s clear that juniper is not going to stage a comeback without our help – and thankfully landowners can help solve these problems. 

“Scotland’s juniper population is vital to the survival of juniper in the UK – and with concerted action we can help to revive the species and make it a common and widespread feature in our landscapes.”

The grant support under SRDP’s Rural Development Contracts is available for projects that:
• enhance juniper populations in and around new and existing native woods
• add juniper to non-native and mixed planted woods
• regenerate and expand small remnant populations
• stimulate supply of planting material by registering and managing self-seeded juniper stands.

Plantlife and the Forestry Commission in Scotland have surveyed the current status of juniper and are already working to conserve and regenerate existing juniper scrub areas. This includes assisting natural regeneration by controlling grazing and browsing, planting juniper in a bid to boost flagging or recently eliminated populations and planting juniper within existing woodlands to help broaden biodiversity. 

Plantlife’s Conservation Officers are visiting sites across Scotland where existing juniper populations are in need of help. If you own or manage a site with woodland juniper and where you would like advice on managing for juniper, contact Davie Black at Plantlife Scotland on 01786 469778  or email You can also download a management leaflet from

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